001-INC-PCIE-DEVKIT - Development Kit for incremental encoders.

  • 001-4INC-REN-PCIE
  • 001-REN-KIT
  • 001CONKIT
  • Deva Product Software Support on USB

001-SIN-PCIE-DEVKIT - Development Kit for sinewave encoders.

  • 3 x 018-1SIN

001-BS1-PCIE-DEVKIT - Development Kit for sinewave encoders requiring 023 preamp.

  • 3 x 018-1SIN
  • 3 x 023-1SIN-BS1

Designed to interface industry-standard rotary shaft encoders and linear scales to PC-compatible computers, the DEVA001 incremental encoder interface card makes it possible to measure position, velocity and acceleration in such wide-ranging applications as robotics, co-ordinate measuring machines and CNC machine tools.

Based on a custom-designed ASIC quadrature counter, the DEVA001 interface card provides four independent encoder channels each with a 32-bit hardware counter with a maximum count rate of 40MHz. The DEVA001 also contains a wealth of synchronisation and triggering facilities which enables both OEMs and end-users to create powerful and highly flexible PC-based measurement systems.

A comprehensive software support package includes libraries and examples for modern rapid application development tools such as Visual Basic, Visual 'C', DotNET and LabVIEW. Plug 'n' Play software support for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/8/10 enables simple installation and automatic configuration of up to 6 interfaces supporting a total of 24 encoders. The card is also supplied with a multi-axis digital readout program which is useful for system verification and experimentation.


  • 4 x 32 40Mhz position registers
  • Marker input for each channel
  • Fully featured, Renishaw probe input
  • Synchronisation and triggering facilities
  • 48 configurable digital IO
  • Differential or single-ended inputs
  • 3 stage digital input filters
  • ±5v& ±12v fused encoder supplies
  • x1 PCIe 2.0 plug and play compatible
  • Comprehensive user manual
  • Support & demonstration software